


是的. 的 FAFSA must be completed every year that you wish to be eligible for federal aid, including student 贷款s. 你(和你的父母), if you are a dependent student) will use the same FSA ID to sign your FAFSA each year.

如果你的账户上有贷款(比你的总账单多), 你可以用这些多余的资金来支付额外的教育费用. 一旦你所有的援助都打到你的账户上, 你的费用已经付清了, 您将收到您帐户上的信用金额的退款支票. 如果你需要资金的书籍之前,你的援助被张贴到您的帐户, 你最多可以申请500美元 预付现金 对于来自 金融援助.

You will be considered for North Park scholarships 和 grants by the Admission Office after you apply. 如果你有兴趣获得基于需求的援助和/或联邦学生贷款, 你需要填写FAFSA. 一旦你被允许进入北公园, 我们已经从招生处收到了你的奖学金信息, 我们已经收到了你的FAFSA, 大学将为你创建一个经济援助计划. 的 财政援助办事处 will ensure that all financial aid you are awarded is credited to your account 和 appears on your award letter.

当你提交FAFSA时, 你所填报的资料将用于计算你的学生资助指数(SAI)。. 您的SAI用于确定您是否有资格获得联邦保险, 根据每个机构确定的公式提供州和亚游集团官方网站的财政援助.

我们建议您尽快提交FAFSA, especially if you are an undergraduate Illinois resident who wishes to be considered for the Illinois MAP Grant. 它将于12月1日开始发售.

如果你现在的家庭状况发生了变化, 比如失去工作或收入, 分居或离婚, 和 any other situation that may affect your family’s ability to contribute to the cost of your education, 联系财政援助办公室 讨论为改变你的经济援助奖励提出上诉.

金融援助办公室的工作人员可以帮助你建立一个 付款计划 支付任何学期的未偿余额. 详情请致电(773)244-5560. 如果你需要额外的资金,请 联系你的财务援助顾问. 他们可能会在当前期限内增加你的贷款金额. 了解更多关于学生贷款的信息.

No. 的re are no federal aid allowances for parents of college-age children who themselves attend college.

一旦你完成了所需的 贷款文件,你的贷款将被处理. 这些资金将通过电子方式从政府获得, 开学一个月后会发到你的北园学生账户上. 当资金到达时,您将收到一封电子邮件. If/when you have a credit on your account (more aid than what you are being charged), 您将收到一张金额相等的退款支票. 如果/当您的退款支票准备好了,您将收到另一封电子邮件.

For traditional undergraduate students, there are no grants or scholarships for the summer term. (北公园的 暑期班 courses are offered at a lower tuition rate than full-time tuition during the academic year.你可能有夏季学期的贷款资格, but only if you did not borrow your annual 贷款 amount during the fall 和 spring semesters. 向 财政援助办事处 看看你是否还有贷款资金可以借. You must be enrolled for at least six credit hours during the summer term to access any leftover 贷款 funds.

Adult degree-completion 和 graduate students can receive financial aid over the summer as these 项目 run year-round.

学术奖学金是基于你来北公园之前的成绩. We do not revisit academic scholarships for returning students or award/increase scholarships based on your academic performance at North Park University.

No. North Park University is a Division III school 和 does not offer any athletic scholarships.

Approximately one-third of our students are r和omly selected for a process called verification by the federal 政府ernment. We are required to collect copies of your (和 your parent’s/spouse’s) tax information 和 W-2s to verify that the information provided on your FAFSA 是准确的. 如果您被选中进行验证, 财政援助办公室会通知你提交这些文件. 在验证完成之前,你的经济资助将是“非官方的”.

我们建议你提交 FAFSA 至少第一年是这样. 仅仅从你的收入水平来决定你能得到什么援助是不可能的. 许多其他因素在决定你的经济援助资格方面起着作用, 包括你的家庭规模,年龄最大的父母,居住州等. FAFSA是免费的,只需要很少的时间来完成. 还请记住,你不能借学生贷款没有FAFSA档案.

适用于离异或分居的父母, income 和 assets are reported for the parent who provides the most financial support over the 12 months prior to filing the FAFSA even if 学生 does not live with that parent or lives with the other parent.

A student who has been convicted of any offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance shall not be eligible to receive federal student aid (including grant, 贷款, or work assistance) during the period beginning on the date of such conviction 和 ending after the interval specified in the following table:

无被选资格的时期 第一次进攻 1年
第二次进攻 2年
第三次进攻 不定
无被选资格的时期 第一次进攻 2年
第二次进攻 3年

A student who has lost eligibility for financial aid based on the possession or sale of a controlled
substance may regain eligibility before the above-stated ineligibility period if 学生 successfully completes a drug rehabilitation program that:

  1. 包括至少两次未经宣布的药检;
  2. Has received or is qualified to receive funds directly or indirectly under a Federal, State, or

    • Is administered or recognized by a Federal, State, or local 政府ernment agency or court;
    • Has received or is qualified to receive payment directly or indirectly from a Federal – or
      State – licensed insurance company; or
    • Is administered or recognized by a Federal – or State – licensed hospital, health clinic or

2024 - 25 FAFSA

贡献者是在2024-25年度FAFSA表格中引入的一个新术语. 它指的是任何被要求在学生的FAFSA表格上提供信息的人.e., 学生, 学生的配偶, 亲生父母或养父母, 或者父母的配偶(继父母).

  • Contributor receives an email informing them that they’ve been identified as a contributor. 
  • 贡献者创建了一个助学金.Gov账户,如果他们还没有的话. 
  • Contributor logs in to their account using their FSA ID account username 和 password. 
  • 投稿人审查有关完成FAFSA表格部分的信息. 
  • 贡献者在学生的FAFSA表格上提供所需的信息.

亚游集团官方网站将对陷入这种情况的学生进行审查 类别. 招生顾问将根据具体情况与家庭合作.

North Park is now sending financial aid packages to students who have completed their 2024–25 FAFSA. 如果你有 提交 您的2024-25年FAFSA,但需要进行更正, 重新登录 studentaid.政府 要进行任何更改.

For a basic estimate of the financial aid available to you at North Park if you enroll in undergraduate classes, 查看我们的 净价计算器.

还有关于经济援助的问题? 以下是我们经常从学生和家长那里听到的一些问题. 我们希望你能在这里找到你想要的答案. 但是,如果你仍然对你的经济援助奖有具体的问题,请 联系财政援助办公室.